So at the moment this site seems well... pretty inactive right? Well that's we are going to change!
We will be adding some new features (uh yay)
While at my absence I've been trying to think and make new features to improve PNB
As you will notice the Navigation Bar has added more stuff to it. At the moment it has got "main site" and DA.
Our main page was originally going to be made on Webs but I found that many Pokemon sites do this already so I decided that I was going to make the main page on Enjin is quite similar to webs with a few more features and such.
DA is as most artists know (or artists who place their work on the net) is DeviantART. PNB has now there own DA Account on which you can go too
Social Network: It's getting to the point of being finished (Kinda) The PNB Social Network is pretty much our Pokemon Version of Facebook
New Warning bar!
More is to come we will be adding: PNB Topsites, Facebook page [Cpmplete], Facebook Group [Complete], Youtube Channel, MSN Account [Complete] and more too come! Any ideas just post
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